By submitting an entry, you confirm that your piece of work is original that you own the copyright and other intellectual property rights, that you do not have a contract with any companies for your work nor have a trustee agreement with any intellectual property organizations, and that your work has never won any prizes in other competitions. Interlink prohibits any unlawful actions including, but not limited to: submitting other person’s work without his/her permission, using a piece of music or its phrase which infringe a copyright, or plagiarizing. If identified, Interlink has the right to request the applicant to bear all the cost of damage or loss which caused by his/her unlawful actions.
Interlink reserves the right to amend/edit the winning entry after the disbursement of the priz
Prize winner must submit the datafile (e.g. midi) of his/her work to Interlink.
Interlink’s decision in respect of all matters to do with this contest will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Prize winner unconditionally agrees that the copyright of the work will belong to Interlink and gives Interlink the irrevocable permission to use, reproduce, publish, display, transmit copy, amend, store, sell and sub-license the work worldwide for promotional purposes and for the purposes of the Contest.
If the entry is made by anyone who resides outside of Japan, the prize will be transferred only by PayPal.
Interlink reserves the right to cancel the contest at anytime without notice.
*Vocaloid is a singing voice synthesizer and its trademark is owned by Yamaha Corporation.